Sticky Lemon Seitan

I have to admit before I cut meat out of my diet I was a huge Gordon Ramsey fan. I still am, but only a few of his recipes are veg friendly so I’m less inclined to rush out and read his cookbooks. This is one recipe I’ve altered slightly along with replacing the protein. Sticky lemon seitan is one of my favourite dishes especially when it’s served up with a generous portion of mashed potatoes.

Sticky Lemon Seitan

4 pieces of “chicken” seitan (I will add my recipe soon)

2-3 tbsp of olive oil

1 head of garlic cut horizontally

thyme – preferably fresh

a splash of red wine vinegar

2 tbsp of soy sauce – or braggs

3 tbsp of honey (2 tbsp for agave for vegan option)

1 sliced lemon

Brown seitan over high heat with olive oil, garlic and thyme for 2-3 mins a side till golden brown. Add a splash of red wine vinegar and bubble until reduced by half. Drizzle soy sauce and honey and shake the pan to mix.

Pour in a good splash of hot water (or if your seitan is homemade use the broth) and add the lemon slices. Let the liquid bubble and reduce down till syrupy,which will take about 10 mins or so.

Transfer the seitan to a platter and serve with mashed potatoes.

Here I am

I’ve never really considered myself to be much of the blogging type, but after some gentle nudging from my boyfriend I’ve decided to take the plunge. So here it goes!

Nooch your grandma’s recipes is my way of of saying Not your grandma’s recipes. It’s not that I don’t love my grandma or that her breads and desserts aren’t great after years of practice, but like most people from her generation they aren’t all that animal or figure friendly.

I can’t say that I am 100% a vegetarian but that’s probably because I hate the fact that people treat their food like it’s a religion. I just prefer a veggie based diet because it makes me feel good and, it’s a heck of a lot cheaper. Not to mention mass produced farming makes me sad. So instead of being brought down by beef I opt for foods that make me happy. Isn’t that what foods all about anyways?